Want to save money on towing? Want to save money on your auto repair service needs? Wouldn’t it be great if you could save money on your towing & auto repair service all with one phone call? Our team has covered!
Our team hence Plainfield’s Last Chance Auto Repair is here for you, all your towing & auto repair service needs, domestic & foreign A-Z. How can we help you?
From towing to auto repair, we know how to save people money. We’re the #1 towing & auto repair service in the local area for a reason. Will tow you wherever you want to go but tow it to our auto repair shop and your guaranteed to save more money. Want to know more about how we can save you money on your towing & auto repair service needs?
Why Use Our Towing Service?
• Pay for your tow when you pick up your vehicle from our auto repair shop hence when and after your vehicle gets repaired. Worse case scenario our shop will buy your vehicle when the repair isn’t mathematically worth while and or your just tired of looking at the it.
• Our repair shop will look at your vehicle for free of charge in most cases. Certain things take more time (time is money), special tools, etc. Don’t worry though Last Chance Auto Repair is family owned, operated, and includes family pricing, hence no corporate mouths to be fed. We are the #1 towing & auto service provider in the local area for a reason.
• Our auto repair shop will let you know what is going on before we do anything. Will give you an estimate (breakdown the numbers & math), and with your verbal approval hence when everyone is on the same page will get on it and or schedule it accordingly.
• Our shop specializes on domestic & foreign vehicles A-Z. From mechanical repair to body work. Our education, knowledge, tools, and equipment will get you back on the road quickly, safely, and affordably. Want to be towed to our auto repair shop Plainfield, Naperville, Bolingbrook, Romeoville, Chicagoland Illinois? Trust our team for all your towing plus auto repair service needs. Let us show you why we are your #1 choice.
Low Cost Towing In Plainfield, Naperville, Bolingbrook, Romeoville, Chicagoland, IL
How can we possibly guarantee a low-cost towing service in Plainfield, Naperville, Bolingbrook, Romeoville, Illinois plus beyond?
Are you trying to save money on your towing service needs? Call around, hence shop around. Make sure to ask what is the grand total for the towing service. Don’t fall for the $50, $60, $65 flat rate service fee for us to show up scam, only to find out later that was just the price to show up.
Worse Case Senario – Your happy with the “low” price they told you over the phone. They hook up your vehicle, you get towed from A to B. You look at the bottom of the bill (worst case scenario) to only find a mileage fee to come to you (typically $3-$7 per mile), hook up fee, mileage fee to tow you to where you wanted to go, gas charge, credit card processing, taxes, sometimes even a hourly labor rate. Then you notice the fee they told you about originally and find out that was just to show up. WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?
You either pay the tow bill or we’ve heard our customers say they’ll take your vehicle, charge you storage fee’s & more mileage fee’s. When you need a tow, call a pro, we’re here for you day or night, rain or shine, sleet or snow, 24-7, we’re always here for you.